Position: Vice Director, Expert on Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Mr. Vuong Xuan Hoa has been worked for GIZ and MONRE as a national consultant in developing intended Nationally Determined Contributions (iNDC) and reviewing and updating NDC of Vietnam. He also provided consultancy to Department of Climate Change (MONRE) to develop the First, the Second Biennial Updated Reports (BURs) of and the Third National Communication on Climate Change (NatCom) of Viet Nam (in charge of inventorying GHG emissions from and developing mitigation scenarios for energy, industrial processes and waste sectors). He also collaborated with UNEP DTU and Department of Climate Change (MONRE) to develop a Nationally Appropriated Mitigation Action (NAMA) proposal for windpower and energy efficient buildings in Vietnam; and work for UNESCAP as a national consultant in developing a NAMA proposal for solid waste in Viet Nam.
Mr. Vuong Xuan Hoa understands the situation of mitigation actions in Vietnam in both technical and policical aspects. In addition, he also has background on energy efficiency, greenbuildings and urban sustainability.