The workshop was organised on 09th July, 2019 in Hanoi with the participation of more than 100 participants from different ministries, governmental agencies, international organisations and NGOs. There were four main sessions including the morning presentation, following up by the morning panel session, afternoon presentation and afternoon panel sessions. MPI was chair for the morning and afternoon presentation sessions while 2050 Pathway Platform was chair for both panel sessions. Ecology and Environment Institute (EEI) was facilitator for the whole sessions.
Perspective on Climate Science and IPCC 1.5 Report
Regarding the topic about perspective on climate science and IPCC 1.5 report, Mr. Richard Baron, Executive Director of 2050 Pathways Platform shared information about the needs and international requirements for developing a Long-term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) (2050); current status of development and submission of LT-LEDS (2050) in the world. In addition, information on the LT-LEDS development steps and the justification for LT-LEDS development was also shared in this section.
National long-term development plans and goals in the context of green growth
The next topic on national long-term development plans and goals in the context of green growth includes two presentations from EEI and MONRE. In particular, Mr. Vuong Xuan Hoa, Vice Director, Ecology and Environment Institute shared some information on the relationship between the goals of NDC, the objectives of the VNGGS and goals for sustainable development in the context of socio-economic development in Vietnam. The information was further clarified the need to build LT-LEDS in Vietnam and also suggest ideas about inheriting medium-term goals in NDC and VNGGS for LT-LEDS as well as integrating sustainable development orientation into LT-LEDS. From MONRE side, Mr. Nguyen Van Minh, Department of Climate Change shared information about the process of reviewing and updating NDC, targets and expected orientations and some initial results of NDC in medium term (2030). Accordingly, the process and procedures for conducting NDC reviews and updates as well as arrangements for implementation was clarified. In addition, coordination issues between ministries, departments, and stakeholders in NDC review and update was also one of the outstanding sharings.
Sectoral development plans and goals in the context of green growth
The topic on sectoral development plans and goals in the context of green growth was opened by Mr. Hoang Van Tam, Department of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Industry and Trade who introduced some information about development policies in industrial sector which related to green growth and greenhouse gas emission reduction (renewable energy, cleaner production and sustainable production and consumption). In addition, some contents related to the ability to integrate/mainstream green growth and emission reduction targets into the long-term policies and development plans of the Industry and Trade sector was also presented.
Then, Mr. Vu Hai Luu, Department of Environment, Ministry of Transport shared some information about Action Plan to respond to climate change and green growth and some results on greenhouse gas emissions scenario and mitigation scenario of Transportation sector. A number of orientations had been drawn for reviewing and updating objectives in the Action Plan to respond to climate change and green growth of the sector.
Regarding agriculture and rural development sector, Ms. Le Hoang Anh, Office of Climate Change, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development presented about development plans along with green growth objectives of Agriculture and Rural Development sector. Accordingly, issues of approach in responding to climate change, building and implementing NDC as well as identifying low emission development targets will be clarified. In addition, the legal basis, support policies and implementation plan determined by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development were also mentioned.
In the last presentation of sectoral topic, Ms. Le Hong Thuy, Department of Urban Development, Ministry of Construction introduced information on policies related to green growth and low emission development such as the Construction Sector Plan to achieve sustainable development goals and Green growth urban development plan in Vietnam by 2030. Additionally, information about low growth and green growth activities implemented by Ministry of Construction was also shared.
Experience on developing and implementing low emission strategies
The afternoon session started with a presentation by Ms. Megan Argyriou, Climate Works Australia Organization who shared some general information about the experience and lessons in LT_LEDS development. In addition, a number of issues related to orientation, approaches and good practices in LT-LEDS development was also mentioned.
Next, Dr. Nguyen Hong Son, Director General, Hanoi Institute of Socio-Economic Research provided some information about experiences and lessons in developing and implementing Hanoi's Green Growth Action Plan. Accordingly, specific information on the context of GGAP development, experience in integrating GGAP objectives into Hanoi's SEDP and some future lessons and orientations was addressed.
Finally, Mr. Tran Thanh Phong, Department of Planning and Investment of Quang Ninh Province shared some information about experiences and lessons in the development and implementation of GGAP in Quang Ninh Province.
The morning panel discussions
Representatives of ministries, departments and national and international organizations share their views and questions to clarify issues surrounding the needs to build LT-LEDS in Vietnam. In addition, several topic and question were also raised in this sessions, for example:
In the topic on national development and green growth policies, representatives of ministries, departments and national and international organizations share their views and questions to clarify issues related to the relationship between NDC, VNGGS and SEDP; construction and approval process of VNGGS, NDC; and the ability to integrate the goals of NDC and VNGGS into SEDP as well as the sustainable development orientation of Vietnam.
In the topic on sectoral development and green growth action plans, representatives of ministries, departments and national and international organizations share their views and questions to clarify the sectoral development vision and orientation in medium (2030) and long term (2050).
The afternoon panel discussions
Representatives of ministries, departments and national and international organizations share their views and questions to clarify issues of development vision and orientation in medium (2030) and long terms (2050) at local level. In addition, representatives also shared their view on difficulties and barriers for implementing green growth action plans in provincial level. Some of the topic and questions for the discussion can be named a few: